Anna Chen – 17 November 2011, Barack Obama

Is it my imagination or is cuddly President Barack Obama picking a fight with China?
No sooner has the world begun to heal after the Bush neocon excesses that led to such bloodshed in the Middle east, not to mention an enormous fillip to the arms industry, than Obama announces a tectonic shift in US imperialist policy.
Only a few weeks since Hillary Clinton announced that the new superpower was in the queue not so far along from Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria, Iran and Korea for whipping into shape, I listened to Obama’s speech to the Australian Parliament last night, struck by sabre-rattling out of a bygone age. “The United States is a Pacific power, and we are here to stay.” Is he on something?
The Guardian said:
Obama’s speech came the day after he announced he would send military aircraft and up to 2,500 marines to northern Australia for a training hub to help allies and protect American interests across Asia. He declared the US was not afraid of China, by far the biggest and most powerful country in the region.
China’s sensitive about having gunboats up her Yangtse, and sending in the marines plus warships to the region is like poking a stick at a pitbull. Reminding China of her ignominious past being gang-banged by the West is not the best way to foster good relations, especially if you are seeking her dosh to get you out of our economic crisis. I would suggest less of the, “C’mon if you think you’re ‘ard enough”, and more of the “Gosh, what big mountains of cash you have. May we have some? Please?”
Actually, Barack said: “”Let there be no doubt: in the Asia-Pacific in the 21st century, the United States of America is all in.” Which is diplomat speak for: “You spilt my pint. Outside!”
He continued:
“With most of the world’s nuclear powers and some half of humanity, Asia will largely define whether the century ahead will be marked by conflict or cooperation, needless suffering or human progress. We’ve seen that China can be a partner, from reducing tensions on the Korean peninsula to preventing proliferation. We’ll seek more opportunities for cooperation with Beijing, including greater communication between our militaries to promote understanding and avoid miscalculation.”
Obama held out the threat of the big stick and I understand several horses’ heads are now winging their way to Hu, Wen, Hao and Wai.
The cheeky fucka told them: “We will do this, even as continue to speak candidly with Beijing about the importance of upholding international norms and respecting the universal human rights of the Chinese people.”
Meanwhile, the US Occupy protesters are being given tea and cakes in the White House and treated to BBQs in New York’s Zuccotti Park while sympathetic cops give them foot-massages.
I’m sure the Australian Aboriginal peoples will be most pleased to have the American’s using their vast bombing ranges in the north of the continent as well as all the other excercises and “training”. Wonder if the School of the Americas will have a chance to shine?
Could the shift in focus to the Pacific be anything to do with the large oil resources in the South China Sea? As George Orwell said, imperialism consists of the cop and the soldier holding down the native while the businessman goes through their pockets. Or as I see it, the school bully is mugging the other kids for their lunch-money. Unfortunately for America, this new kid does kung fu.
Expect proxy wars and monstering of China in the supine media as we all get programmed to cheer World War Three and a Half.
See Shakedown Timeline of America’s 21st century war on China. “First Pacific President” Barack Obama ratchets up his Pivot to Asia from 2010
Doubtless some of your comments are caustic humour fair enough. The South China Sea though is a long way away from North Australia, if the US wanted to project power into there, they would base forces Taiwan which would upset China. As to the oil deposits there well it’s not an issue yet anyway. But when it becomes one China will get them, they already have sizeable oil assets in Iraq.
And 10 years later Americans arrogance is still alive and still working on China containment