
Anna Lo stays in job and fights rising racism in Northern Ireland

A positive story among the horrors of the European turn to the right. The UK’s only parliamentary politician of Chinese origin — the Alliance Party’s Anna Lo – has defied racists in Northern Ireland and will stay on in her job. Lord knows we need people like her. It was bad enough that a Christian […]

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The Book of Mormon review: South Park creators’ gentle mayhem in London

Here’s my review of The Book of Mormon for the Morning Star Thursday 25th April 2013. The Book of Mormon may not represent the much-heralded death of satire but, with full-page ads taken out in the show programme by lampooned subjects The Lion King and the Mormon church itself, this effervescent musical inches us ever

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Manqué business: personality cults and the retreat into mysticism

“My dad’s bigger than your dad and he’s gonna do you, sunshine!” “Yo mama so fugly, we gonna kill the lot of you.” “Yo Dalai so feudal he gotta suck Amurkin dick fo dollahs!”“Yo side so oppressive we gotta give special dispensation for violence. Om!” So what are we to make of the current tsunami

Manqué business: personality cults and the retreat into mysticism Read More »

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