January 2011

Julian Assange under attack for grooming crimes

What madness is this? Three new books launch savage attacks on Julian Assange, one of them excoriating him for smelling as if he hadn’t washed for days. May I just say, ‘So frikkin’ what?’ Assange’s one-time collaborator The New York Times publishes its ebook Open Secrets: WikiLeaks, War and American Diplomacy tomorrow. The NYT executive […]

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Militarised Hamlet at the National Theatre: review

Anna Chen – 27 January 2011 A fighter plane roars overhead. Lights come up on a bleak black-and-white Elsinore Castle. Soldiers in camouflage strike the familiar high-shouldered automatic rifle-toting power-pose so beloved of army recruitment ads, sorry, TV & movies. Who needs a bare bodkin when a Bullpup SA80 can do the job? Two youths

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Julian Assange’s Lonely Hearts profile: if only …

Would someone please settle the dispute between myself and poet extraordinaire, Niall Spooner-Harvey, who found this Lonely Heart profile at OK Cupid online, and reckons it belongs to the real Julian Assange. (Niall just wrote to say that he’s having second thoughts.) Not never, no how, no way. Someone sussed what women want and is

Julian Assange’s Lonely Hearts profile: if only … Read More »

Tony Blair at Chilcot: pants on fire 2

Video: a telling moment when Blair admits ‘inconsistency’ This time it’s personal. Watching live feed of Tony Blair at Chilcot. Anyone else noticed how, when he’s on the spot he glottal stops for England (presumably seeking orfenticity) but adopts posh when he’s seeking high status? (One Tweeter noted ‘gaing’ instead of ‘going’, f’rinstance). Tweeters inside

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