Hong Kong

Covid Medics leave-Wuhan April 2020 CGTN

Plague, protests and how the hybrid war on China is prolonging Covid-19 pain in the West

In the UK, arrogance and incompetence from the Boris Johnson/Dominic Cummings government brings Britain to its knees. Instead of learning from the Covid-19 road map drawn for us by China, the UK establishment gets jealous about China’s unprecedented lockdown of 1.4 billion human beings in order to contain the virus and starve it of hosts.

Plague, protests and how the hybrid war on China is prolonging Covid-19 pain in the West Read More »

China: scapegoat and diversion from what ails western capitalism

We all know the United States of America was built on an ancient Native American burial ground, courtesy of European immigrants. Another original sin was slavery; kidnapping men, women and children from Africa for the brute workforce that built so much of America’s wealth. Then there’s the 1 per cent ripping off the American people

China: scapegoat and diversion from what ails western capitalism Read More »

Lucy Sheen’s moving documentary, Abandoned Adopted Here, launched at SOAS, 7th April

Abandoned Adopted Here — SOAS 7 pm.7th April 2016. DLT Lecture theeatre. SOAS. London. WC1H 0XG. The first public screening of the acclaimed documentary – Abandoned Adopted Here by Lucy Sheen. From 50s, 60s Colonial Hong Kong to pre-multicultural UK, a group of Hong Kong foundlings were transracially adopted. Lucy interviewed a few of her

Lucy Sheen’s moving documentary, Abandoned Adopted Here, launched at SOAS, 7th April Read More »

Bruce Lee died 40 years ago: new exhibition celebrates Chinese actor’s life

Anna Chen – 21 July 2013 When I was growing up in the far east … of London, the only representations of east Asian women available to this little half-Chinese kid were supine sex-doll lotus blossoms like Suzy Wong and Juicy Lucy, or dragon lady real-life horrors like Imelda Marcos and Madam Mao. Male examples

Bruce Lee died 40 years ago: new exhibition celebrates Chinese actor’s life Read More »

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